The \(SU(3)\) tensor multiplicities are piecewise polynomial of degree 1 in their labels. The pieces are the chambers of a complex of cones. We describe in detail this chamber complex and determine the group of all linear symmetries (of order 144) for these tensor multiplicities. We represent the cells by diagrams showing clearly the inclusions as well as the actions of the group of symmetries and of its remarkable subgroups.
On partitions with \(k\) corners not containing the staircase with one more corner.
Emmanuel Briand.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 314, pp. 162-168 (2022)
e-print, ArXiv:2004.13180 [math.CO] (2020)
We give three proofs of the following result conjectured by Carriegos, De Castro-García and Muñoz Castañeda in their work on enumeration of control systems: when \(\binom{k+1}{2} \le n \lt \binom{k+2}{2}\), there are as many partitions of \(n\) with \(k\) corners as pairs of partitions \((\alpha, \beta)\) such that \(\binom{k+1}{2} + |\alpha| + |\beta| = n\).
Normally ordered forms of powers of differential operators and their combinatorics.
Emmanuel Briand, Samuel Lopes and Mercedes Rosas.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. vol. 224(8) article num. 106312 (august 2020).
Also e-print, ArXiv: 1811.00857 [math.CO] (2018)
We investigate the combinatorics of the general formulas for the powers of the operator \(h \partial^k\), where \(h\) is a central element of a ring and \(\partial\) is a differential operator. This generalizes previous work on the powers of operators \(h \partial\). New formulas for the generalized Stirling numbers are obtained.
Commutation and normal ordering for operators on symmetric functions.
Emmanuel Briand, Peter R.W. McNamara, Rosa Orellana and Mercedes Rosas.
Séminaire Lotharingien de combinatoire, vol.80, article B80d (2019)
We study the commutation relations and normal ordering between families of operators on symmetric functions. These operators can be naturally defined by the operations of multiplication, Kronecker product, and their adjoints. As applications we give a new proof of the skew Littlewood-Richardson rule and prove an identity about the Kronecker product with a skew Schur function.
Rectangular symmetries for coefficients of symmetric functions.
Emmanuel Briand, Rosa Orellana and Mercedes Rosas.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
vol. 22 issue 3, paper num. P3-15 (2015).
We show that some of the main structural constants for symmetric
functions (Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, Kronecker coefficients, plethysm
coefficients, and the Kostka-Foulkes polynomials) share symmetries related to
the operations of taking complements with respect to rectangles and adding
The stability of the Kronecker products of Schur functions.
Emmanuel Briand, Rosa Orellana and Mercedes Rosas.
Journal of Algebra,
vol. 331(1) pp. 11-27 (2011).
In the late 1930's Murnaghan discovered the existence of a stabilization phenomenon for the Kronecker product of Schur functions. For n sufficiently large, the values of the Kronecker coefficients appearing in the product of two Schur functions of degree n do not depend on the first part of the indexing partitions, but only on the values of their remaining parts. We compute the exact value of n for which all the coefficients of a Kronecker product of Schur functions stabilize. We also compute two new bounds for the stabilization of a sequence of coefficients and show that they improve existing bounds of M. Brion and E. Vallejo.
Reduced Kronecker coefficients and counter-examples to Mulmuley's strong saturation conjecture SH.
Emmanuel Briand, Rosa Orellana and Mercedes Rosas.
Computational Complexity,
vol. 18(4) pp. 577-600 (2009).
We provide counter-examples to Mulmuley's strong saturation conjecture (strong SH) for the Kronecker coefficients. This conjecture was proposed in the setting of Geometric Complexity Theory to show that deciding whether or not a Kronecker coefficient is zero can be done in polynmial time. We also provide a short proof of the #P-hardness of computing the Kronecker coefficients and another family of structural constants in the representation theory of the symmetric groups, Murnaghan's reduced Kronecker coefficients. An appendix by Mulmuley introduces a relaxed form of the saturation hypothesis SH, still strong enough for the aims of Geometric Complexity Theory.
Milne's volume function and vector symmetric polynomials.
Emmanuel Briand and Mercedes Rosas.
Journal of Symbolic Computation
vol. 44, pp. 583-590 (2009).
The volume function introduced by P. Milne to count the real roots of a system of polynomial equations in a box is a vector symmetric polynomial. Its expansion in the basis of monomial functions is provided. Only monomial functions of a particular kind appear in this expansion ("squarefree monomial functions"). By means of an appropriate specialization of the vector symmetric Newton identities, we derive an inductive formula to decompose the squarefree monomial functions in power sums. This formula is related to the lattice of the sub-hypergraphs of an hypergraph. As a corollary, an inductive formula to express the components of Milne's volume function in the power sums is obtained.
On the \(\mathfrak{S}_n\)-module structure of the noncommutative harmonics.
Emmanuel Briand, Mercedes Rosas and Mike Zabrocki.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series A
vol. 115(6), pp. 1077-1085 (2008).
Using the a noncommutative version of Chevalley's theorem due to Bergeron, Reutenauer, Rosas, and Zabrocki we compute the graded Frobenius series for their two sets of noncommutative harmonics with respect to the left action of the symmetric group (acting on variables). We use these results to derive the Frobenius series for the enveloping algebra of the derived free Lie algebra in n variables.
The paper on arxiv ( on the left) is an expanded version of the published paper.
Equations, inequations and inequalities characterizing the configurations of two real projective conics.
Emmanuel Briand.
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
vol. 18 (1-2), pp. 21-52 (2007).
Ordered pairs of
proper, non-empty real
projective conics can be classified modulo rigid isotopy and ambient isotopy.
We characterize the classes
by equations, inequations and
inequalities in the coefficients of the quadratic forms defining the
The results are well-adapted to the study of the relative position of two
conics defined by equations depending on parameters.
This paper has an errata.
On a matrix function interpolating between determinant and permanent.
Emmanuel Briand.
Linear Algebra and its applications
vol. 411 (special issue on Determinants and the legacy of Sir Thomas Muir), pp. 343-347 (2005).
A matrix function, depending on a parameter t, and interpolating between the determinant and the permanent, is introduced.
It is shown this function admits a simple expansion in terms of determinants and permanents of sub-matrices.
This expansion is used to explain some formulas ocurring in the resolution of some systems of algebraic equations.
The moduli space of three qutrit states.
Emmanuel Briand, Jean-Gabriel Luque, Jean-Yves Thibon and Frank Verstraete.
Journal of Mathematical Physics
vol. 45, num. 12, pp. 4855-4867, (2004).
We investigate the normal forms of pure entangled three-partite qutrit states under local filtering operations. This amounts to study the orbits of the group \(SL(3,\mathbb{C})^{\times 3}\) acting on \((\mathbb{C}^3)^{\otimes 3}\). We describe the moduli space of this action in terms of a very symmetric normal form parameterized by three complex numbers. The parameters of the possible normal forms of a given state are roots of an algebraic equation, which is proved to be solvable by radicals in a completely explicit way. The structure of the sets of equivalent normal forms is related to the geometry of certain regular complex polytopes.
When is the Algebra of Multisymmetric Polynomials generated by the Elementary Multisymmetric Polynomials ?.
Emmanuel Briand.
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
vol.45(2), 353-368 (2004).
Multisymmetric polynomials are the diagonal invariants
of the symmetric group. Elementary multisymmetric polynomials are analogues
of the elementary symmetric polynomials, in the multisymmetric setting.
In this paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition on a ring A
for an algebra of multisymmetric polynomials with coefficients in A to
be generated by the elementary multisymmetric polynomials.
A Complete Set of Covariants of the Four Qubit System.
Emmanuel Briand, Jean-Gabriel Luque and Jean-Yves Thibon.
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen.
38, pp. 9915-9927 (2003).
We obtain a complete and minimal set of 170 generators
for the algebra of \(SL(2,\mathbb{C})^{\times 4}\)-covariants of a four qubit system.
This sheds light on the structure of the SLOCC orbits in the Hilbert space
of this system, as well as on the more complicated algebra of its local
unitary invariants.
Multivariate Newton Sums : Identities and Generating Functions.
Emmanuel Briand and Laureano González-Vega.
Communications in Algebra
vol. 30, num. 9, pp. 4527-4547 (2002).
This article is devoted to present, first, a family of formulas extending
to the multivariate case the classical Newton Identities relating the coefficients
of an univariate polynomial equation with its roots through the Power Sums
and, secondly, the Generating Functions associated to the introduced Power
Sums of the multivariate case. As a by-product the kinds of systems accepting
these Newton Identities are also characterized together with those allowing
the Power Sums to be computed in an inductive way directly from the coefficients
of the polynomial system under consideration.
Book chapters
Covariants decomposing on totally decomposable forms.
Emmanuel Briand.
pp. 237-256 in
Liaison, Schottky Problem and Invariant Theory. Remembering Federico Gaeta
ed: Alonso M.E., Arrondo E., Mallavibarrena R., Sols I. Progress in Mathematics 280, Birkhauser (2010).
We consider the problem of providing systems of equations characterizing the forms with complex coefficients that are totally decomposable, i.e. products of linear forms. Our focus is computational. We present the well-known solution given at the end of the nineteenth century by Brill and Gordan and give a complete proof that their system does vanish only on the decomposable forms. We explore an idea due to Federico Gaeta which leads to an alternative system of equations, vanishing on the totally decomposable forms and on the forms admitting a multiple factor. Last, we give some insight on how to compute efficiently these systems of equations and point out possible further improvements.
Some covariants related to Steiner surfaces.
Franck Aries, Emmanuel Briand and Claude Bruchou.
pp. 31-46 in
Geometric Modeling and Algebraic Geometry,
ed. Bert Jüttler and Ragni Piene, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-72184-0 (2008).
A Steiner surface is the generic case of a quadratically
parameterizable quartic surface used in geometric modeling.
This paper studies quadratic parameterizations of surfaces under the
angle of Classical Invariant Theory. Precisely, it exhibits a
collection of covariants associated to projective quadratic
parameterizations of surfaces, under the actions of linear
reparameterization and linear transformations of the goal space. Each
of these covariants comes with a simple geometric interpretation.
As an application, some of these covariants are used to produce
explicit equations, inequations and inequalities defining the orbits
of projective quadratic parameterizations of quartic surfaces.
The 144 symmetries of the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients of \(SL_3\).
Emmanuel Briand Mercedes Rosas.
e-print, ArXiv:2004.04995 [math.CO] (2020)
We compute with SageMath the group of all linear symmetries for the Littlewood-Richardson associated to the representations of \(SL_3\). We find that there are 144 symmetries, more than the 12 symmetries known for the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients in general.
Emmanuel Briand, Amarpreet Rattan and Mercedes Rosas.
e-print, ArXiv: 1607.02887 [math.RT] (2016)
We consider the asymptotic behaviour of two kinds of sequences of Kronecker coefficients. The first kind is obtained by increasing at the same time the first rows and first columns of the three indexing partitions. We show that, under some conditions, these sequences of Kronecker coefficients stabilize. The second kind of sequences is obtianed by increasing the first two rows of the indexing partitions. We show that these sequences grow linearly. In both cases, we provide generating series for the constants describing the asymptotic behaviour: stable value for the first kind of sequences, leading (linear) term for the second kind.
See also:
Emmanuel Briand, Luis Esquivias, Álvaro Gutiérrez, Adrián Lillo and Mercedes Rosas
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 91B,
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics" (FPSAC 2024), article 29 (2024).
We present a combinatorial proof of the Graham-Pollak formula for the determinant of the distance matrix of a tree, via sign-reversing involutions and the Lindström-Gessel-Viennot lemma.
On the growth of Kronecker coefficients.
Emmanuel Briand, Amarpreet Rattan and Mercedes Rosas.
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 78B,
29th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2017), article 70 (2017).
This abstract is a short version of the detailed paper of the same name.
We present a new stability phenomenon for Kronecker coefficients, that we call hook stability: the Kronecker coefficients stabilize if we add cells to the first row and first column of each of the indexing partitions, simultaneously. We also show that when we increase the sizes of the first two rows of their three indexing partitions, in some appropriate way, the Kronecker coefficients grow linearly, and we are able to give asymptotic estimates.
Invariance properties for coefficients of symmetric functions.
Emmanuel Briand, Rosa Orellana and Mercedes Rosas.
DMTCS Proceedings,
27th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2015), pp. 619-630 (2015).
We show that several of the main structural constants for symmetric functions (Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, Kronecker coefficients, plethysm coefficients, and the Kostka-Foulkes polynomials) share invariance properties related to the operations of taking complements with respect to rectangles and adding rectangles.
Combinatorial proof for a stability property of plethysm coefficients.
Emmanuel Briand and Laura Colmenarejo.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics . Vol. 46.
Proceedings of the IX Jornadas de Matemática discreta y algoritmica (Tarragona, 9-11 july 2014).
Edited by Juan Alberto Rodríguez Velázquez and Ismael González Yero.
pp. 43--50 (sept. 2014).
Plethysm coefficients are important structural constants in the representation theory of the symmetric groups and general linear groups. Remarkably, some sequences of plethysm coefficients stabilize (they are ultimately constants). In this paper we give a new proof of such a stability property, proved by Brion with geometric representation theory techniques. Our new proof is purely combinatorial: we decompose plethysm coefficients as a alternating sum of terms counting integer points in polytopes, and exhibit bijections between these sets of integer points.
Generating vector partitions.
Emmanuel Briand.
Avances en Matemática Discreta en Andalucía. vol 2.
VII encuentro andaluz de matemática discreta,
ed. José Caceres, Clara Grima, Alberto Márquez, María Luz Puertas.
Univ. de Almería, ISBN 978-84-694-5627-9.
pp. 17-23 (2012).
The stability of the Kronecker product of Schur functions.
Emmanuel Briand, Rosa Orellana and Mercedes Rosas.
DMTCS Proceedings,
22nd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2010), pp. 557-568 (2010).
In the late 1930's Murnaghan discovered the existence of a stabilization phenomenon for the Kronecker product of Schur functions. For n large enough, the values of the Kronecker coefficients appearing in the product of two Schur functions of degree n do not depend on the first part of the indexing partitions, but only on the values of their remaining parts. We compute the exact value of n when this stable expansion is reached. We also compute two new bounds for the stabilization of a particular coefficient of such a product. Given partitions α and β, we give bounds for all the parts of any partition γ such that the corresponding Kronecker coefficient is nonzero. Finally, we also show that the reduced Kronecker coefficients are structure coefficients for the Heisenberg product introduced by Aguiar, Ferrer and Moreira.
Quasipolynomial formulas for the Kronecker coefficients indexed by two two-row shapes (extended abstract).
Emmanuel Briand, Rosa Orellana and Mercedes Rosas.
DMTCS Proceedings,
21st International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2009), pp. 241-252 (2009).
We show that the Kronecker coefficients indexed by two two-row shapes are given by quadratic quasipolynomial formulas whose domains are the maximal cells of a fan. Simple calculations provide explicitly the quasipolynomial formulas and a description of the associated fan.
These new formulas are obtained from analogous formulas for the corresponding reduced Kronecker coefficients and a formula recovering the Kronecker coefficients from the reduced Kronecker coefficients.
As an application, we characterize all the Kronecker coefficients indexed by two two-row shapes that are equal to zero. This allowed us to disprove a conjecture of Mulmuley about the behavior of the
stretching functions attached to the Kronecker coefficients.
Reduced Kronecker coefficients.
Emmanuel Briand, Rosa Orellana and Mercedes Rosas.
Actas de los XI Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones: EACA 2008 (Granada), pp. 101-104.
We provide a formula that recovers the Kronecker coefficients (the multiplicities of the irreducible representations in the tensor products of two irreducible representations of the symmetric group) from the reduced Kronecker coefficients (limits of certain stationary sequences of Kronecker coefficients introduced by Murnaghan). This formula generalizes a formula due to Rosas for Kronecker coefficients indexed by two two-row shapes.
We use our formula to obtain a new stability bound for the Kronecker coefficients, and to describe explicitely the Kronecker coefficients indexed by two two-row shapes as a piecewise quasi-polynomial, with the chambers of a fan as domains of quasi-polynomiality.
Diagonally symmetric polynomials of the roots of some systems of polynomial equations .
Emmanuel Briand.
Actas de los X Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones: EACA 2006 (Sevilla), 61-64.
We present two situations in which the
diagonally symmetric
polynomials of the n roots of a system of polynomial equations
depend in a simple way on the coefficients of the equations: for
Gröbner bases with prescribed leading terms, and for zero-dimensional
strict complete intersections. The results are independent on the
characteristic of the ground field.
Brill's equations for the subvariety of factorizable forms .
Emmanuel Briand.
Actas de los IX Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones: EACA 2004 (Santander), 59-63.
The products of n linear forms in N variables are a subvariety of the space of the forms of degree n in N variables. At the end of the nineteenth century, Brill and Gordan used invariant theory to design a method to derive a system of equations defining set-theoretically this subvariety (Brill's equations).
We show how to compute efficiently Brill's equations, and compare them with the ideal of the subvariety.
Determinant of The Distance Matrix of a Tree
Emmanuel Briand, Luis Esquivias, Álvaro Gutiérrez, Adrián Lillo and Mercedes Rosas
Poster presented at the 36th International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics" (FPSAC 2024), (2024).
This poster corresponds to the abstract
Other works
Une traduction de Das Zerfallen der Curven in
gerade Linien (Au sujet des courbes qui se décomposent en
lignes droites) de Paul Gordan.
Emmanuel Briand and Andreas Seidl.
This is a translation, form german to french, of Paul Gordan's 1894 paper Das Zerfallen
der Curven in gerade Linien (About the curves that decompose into straight lines).
Duality for couples of conics.
Emmanuel Briand.
2005, 10 pp.
Consider the couples of distinct proper non-empty real projective conics. A
rigid isotopy for such an object
is a continuous deformation of the defining equations of the two
conics, not modifying the singularity of the intersection points. Each class of rigid
isotopy corresponds to a ``configuration'' of a couple of conics.
In the present paper, we show that if two couples of conics are in the
same configuration, so are the corresponding couples of tangential
conics. We make explicit the induced bijection between the
configurations in the primal space and the configurations in the dual space.